It’s easy to dismiss it as a tool from a bygone era, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s still as relevant and effective today as it ever was.
Oh, did I forget to mention what we’re talking about? The name is marketing, email marketing. It’s been around for what feels like forever. It’s one of the most effective ways to connect with and nurture your leads, and it’s still one of the best ways to turn them into customers.

What Is Email Marketing?
What comes to mind when you hear “email marketing”? Promotions? Updates? Spam? An overflowing inbox? It could be all of these things or none of them. Email marketing is basically any email a company sends out. This excludes confirming orders and responses to questions from customers. It can include newsletters, promotions, or even exclusive deals. Even messages of support sent out by the company after a disaster or in support of a cause is a form of it. It’s core role is to enable businesses to keep their customers informed with marketing messages that are tailored to them. It’s just one form of all the digital marketing strategies out there, but it can tie in with all of them.
How It Works
It’s not that hard to do. All you need is to set up an email marketing campaign, which you can do on your own, or you can hire someone to help. Usually a company that works in the digital marketing field and with SEO services can be of assistance. Or, you could just contact us. You can even put a sign-up option on your website for your company newsletter. Links to the sign up can also be put up on all your social media channels.
A newsletter is a good way to send out updates about your business, upcoming events, and even special offers. With how far technology and the internet has developed today, this can be set up to be automatic. You can even target customers to haven’t made a recent purchase, or the ones who have. Another option is to target specific individuals or groups of customers. For example, people who have their birthday coming up could get an email from your business offering them a discount on your product or service. Personalization like this is what many of the largest companies in the world do, particularly the mobile service providers and the largest coffee chain in the world. If you notice, these businesses have the best customer brand loyalty ever seen.
Is Email Marketing Still Relevant?
If you ask anyone about digital marketing they’ll immediately point you in the direction of social media. However, there are benefits to email marketing that are often overlooked. It’s easy to use and cheap. Well, it’s almost basically free. You don’t need to pay to boost posts or ads or anything. You just need to have someone create the message, maybe some artwork, and send it out. According to some experts for every 1$ spent on email, you’ll earn 40$.
Another oft forgotten advantage of email over social media is that customers will probably see an email before they see a social media post. I mean, some people are all over their social media all day, but that doesn’t mean they’ll see the post from your business. There’s no guarantee, even if you’re paying to boost it. But, an email is a notification in their inboxes that will remind them there’s something unread in there. And, if they’re anything like me, unchecked notifications are quite bothersome.
What’s The Takeaway?
Dinner? Not that kind of takeaway! (jokes) Email marketing and social media marketing should go together. The key things to remember is that they all have advantages. Direct emails are a way for a company to connect with their customers and clients. The two biggest advantages of email marketing are price and ease. Compared to other types of marketing, emailing is an inexpensive way to advertise your company and its products or services. And finally, don’t forget! Done right, email marketing is an effective way of doing this. Done wrong, your emails might end up being seen as spam.